• NewsOK! Magazine

    Good Morning Britain halted for breaking news announcement as Susanna Reid stops ITV show

    Good Morning Britain presenters Susanna Reid and Ed Balls were forced to 'interrupt' the ITV show on Wednesday to make a "breaking news" announcement for viewers

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  • LifestyleManchester Evening News

    Woman heads to Turkey for surgery makeover โ€“ and is totally unrecognisable after

    A woman named Katherine sought out the services of Turkey-based surgery Este Istanbul for her makeover. And certainly delivered, as she underwent a series of procedures

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  • NewsManchester Evening News

    The picture that shows why homeowner was taken to court

    Abdul Rehman has been given a suspended prison sentence after breaking health and safety laws

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  • CelebrityHello!

    Prince William rescues mother-in-law Carole Middleton after Royal Ascot mishap

    The Prince of Wales helped his mother-in-law Carole Middleton to free her heel after her shoe got stuck in the grass at Royal Ascot on Wednesday

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  • SportSWNS

    Homeowner wins โ€˜David versus Goliathโ€™ battle over broadband pole at end of drive

    A homeowner has won a โ€˜David vs Goliathโ€™ battle with a broadband supplier which agreed to take down a 40ft-high pole it erected at the end of his drive without consultation. Philip Waller, 65, went "ballistic" when he came home to find that Connexin had put up the pole just 16 feet (5m) from his liv

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  • EntertainmentMusicRadar

    Paul McCartney's favourite song he's ever written is possibly the only one John Lennon complimented him on directly

    "It really gave me a lot of confidence in that song, and in my writing"

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  • OpinionThe Telegraph

    France is about to bring the EU to the brink of collapse

    It is a terrifying showdown, an epic moment of truth that threatens to blow up the EU, trigger another Eurozone crisis and, just three days into his prime ministership, throw Sir Keir Starmerโ€™s immigration and trade plans into disarray. In two weeksโ€™ time, France will have either elected the most ra

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