James McAvoy To Go Bald In X-Men: Apocalypse

James McAvoy has hinted that he may finally adopt Professor Xavier’s signature chrome-dome look in the next ‘X-Men’ movie.

McAvoy first appeared in 2011’s ‘X-Men: First Class’ as a younger incarnation of the psychic mutant leader, portrayed by Patrick Stewart in 20th Century Fox’s earlier ‘X-Men’ movies.


In ‘First Class,’ Xavier looked like – well – James McAvoy; but in this summer’s ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ he was positively hirsute, with long locks and a full beard. A far cry from hairless wonder we knew from Stewart, and of course from the original Marvel comics.

However, McAvoy has hinted to The Huffington Post that the next instalment, ‘X-Men: Apocalypse,’ will at the very least see the beginnings of Xavier’s baldness.

"I’ll be older in this one…. [And] I think I’m losing my hair finally. And, yeah, that’s kind of all I know."

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Alas, it seems even non-Marvel Studios superhero movies still have some fairly cast-iron secrecy around them, as McAvoy could reveal almost nothing further about the next movie.

"I got an email from the [producer/writer Simon Kinberg] who informed me he was getting dead excited about stuff, but he didn’t want to divulge anything for a couple of weeks, so I really don’t know."


It is believed ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ will follow on in the pattern established by ‘First Class’ and ‘Days of Future Past’ by picking up around a decade on from the previous film – which means this time we’ll be catching up with the mutants in the 1980s.

McAvoy also hints that, in keeping with the title, the film should be”fairly apocalyptic… It seems fairly global, if we’re talking apocalypse.”

‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ will see Bryan Singer return as director, and is lined up for a May 2016 release.

Picture Credit: 20th Century Fox