Annotated solutions for Prize 27,501

* to mark the 200th anniversary of Karl Mark’s birth


7 earldom (m)ELODRAM(a) (anag)

8 nannies double def

9 thug T UG

10 buddleias BUD + LADIES (anag)

12 horde HORDE(rn) [Michael Hordern; Royal Navy]

13 amaretto trainspOTTER AMAzes 9hidden rev)

15 inch INC(luding)/H(eel)

16 à deux AD(1)EU/X

17 clef CLEF(t)

18 nut roast TURNS TO A (anag)

20 greed G(rand)/REED

21 land yacht L(arge)/ANDY/ACHT [8 in German]

22 ikat (p)I(n)K + (t)A(t)T(y)

24 unravel (cl)U(es)/N(orthern)/RAVEL [Maurice Ravel]

25 in-depth IN EPT/H(usband)


1 wash W(omen)/ASH

2 oligarch LOG CHAIR (anag)

3 rouble (t)ROUBLE

4 Karl Marx (K/l)LAR(k/L) + marks (hom)

5 endive (m)EN/DIVES

6 reds (ac)ER (rev) + DS [detective sergeant]

11 dialectic DIAL/EC/TIC [Junker is European Commission president]

12 Hindu HIND + ewe (hom)

14 trend T(odd)/REND

16 analyser AL in YEARNS (anag)

17 clerihew WE/HIRE/L(50)/C(uba) (rev)

19 rental RE AL

20 gitano givinG IT ANOther (hidden)

21 lend LE D

23 ante (h)A(s)N(‘t) T(h)E(n)