Fruit and vegetables sold in British supermarkets 'could contain norovirus', says Food Standards Agency

Fruit and vegetables sold in the UK could contain norovirus, the FSA said (Picture: PA)
Fruit and vegetables sold in the UK could contain norovirus, the FSA said (Picture: PA)

Fruit and vegetables sold in British supermarkets could contain the norovirus, the Food Standards Agency has said.

In the first UK survey of its kind, FSA researchers found traces of the deadly winter vomiting bug in various fruit and veg, the Sunday Times reported.

They discovered that one lettuce in every 20 hosted the virus, while it was also found in one in every 27 punnets of frozen raspberries.

Following the study, it is feared the norovirus could be prevalent in many other fresh foods.

The norovirus has become Britain’s most common food poisoning bug and affects about 3 million people each year.

Up to 300 people die because of the bug each year, often because they already have another illness or they are elderly.

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The researchers told the Sunday Times: “Norovirus is the commonest cause of gastrointestinal disease in the UK causing millions of cases annually.

“One should not expect to find a norovirus in one’s lettuce or raspberry.

“When the virus is detected it is clear that guidance is not being adhered to and that in consequence the pathogen is entering the food supply chain.”

The fruit and veg we buy could contain the norovirus, researchers said (Picture: PA)
The fruit and veg we buy could contain the norovirus, researchers said (Picture: PA)

The FSA said their findings pointed to serious negligence on the part of food suppliers and retailers.

Their scientists tested 568 lettuces, finding norovirus in 30 of them, most of which were grown in the UK.

Seven out of 310 samples of fresh raspberries tested positive, as did 10 out of 274 samples of frozen raspberries.

The FSA has already said that shellfish, particularly oysters, are a key risk food because they can pick up the norovirus from human sewage pumped into the sea.