Sosie Bacon divides fans with message referencing parents Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick


Sosie Bacon set herself up for some fan retaliation when she posted a message on Instagram making reference to the "nepo baby" debate. The star - who is the daughter of Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick - attempted to make light of the conversation about nepotism in Hollywood, but ended up sparking quite the conversation on her social media feed. Sosie shared the mocked up family tree of her parents and with an arrowing pointing down to her. Alongside it, a message read: "Appeared in her father's movie, Loverboy and her mother's TV show, The Closer."WATCH: Sosie Bacon impresses her mom Kyra Sedgwick with incredible singing talent Loading the player... var track = function (evt_name) { dataLayer.push({ 'event': evt_name, 'eventValue': { 'category': 'videos', 'action': evt_name, 'label': 'HELLO - oI87t7lK', 'videoUrl': '', 'videoTitle': 'Sosie Bacon impresses mom Kyra Sedgwick with incredible singing talent' } }); }; var playerInstance = playerInstance || []; playerInstance['oI87t7lK'] = jwplayer('MC44NDU4MzIwMCAxNjczOTgwNjE2NjQ1NzU='); playerInstance['oI87t7lK'].setup({ sources: [ {file: '', label: '480'}, {file: '', label: '720 HD', default: 'true'}, {file: '', label: '1080 HD'} ], primary: 'html5', image: '', related: { file: '', onclick : 'play' }, autostart: false, file: 'oI87t7lK', title: 'Sosie Bacon impresses mom Kyra Sedgwick with incredible singing talent', sharing: {} }); function getDataPermutive() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let maxRetries = 2; let countRetry = 0; let checkingInterval = setInterval( function() { if (countRetry { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { return getDataPermutive().then(_pdfps => { let playerConfig = playerInstance['oI87t7lK'].getConfig(); const sections = playerConfig.advertising.schedule; const updatedSections = new Array(); sections.forEach(function callback(section, index) { let offSet = section.offset; let tagUrl = section.tag; let playerSegsPerm = encodeURIComponent('&permutive=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.parse(_pdfps || '[]').slice(0, 250).join(','))); tagUrl = tagUrl.replace(/(cust_params[^&]+)/, '$1' + playerSegsPerm); updatedSections[index] = {tag: tagUrl, offset: offSet}; }); const updatedPlaylistItem = Object.assign({}, item, {adschedule: updatedSections}); console.log('Permutive added to Pre-roll !!!'); resolve(updatedPlaylistItem); }).catch(() => { console.warn('Permutive no data!!!'); resolve(); }); } catch(error) { console.warn(error); resolve(); } }); }); jwplayer().onPlay(function () { track('play'); }); jwplayer().onPause(function () { track('pause'); }); jwplayer().onComplete(function () { track('complete'); }); jwplayer().onSeek(function () { track('seek'); }); Rather than make a big deal out of the concept behind the imagery, she brushed over it and made a joke over their appearance in the chosen headshots: "I know there's been a lot of controversy over this article," she wrote.TRENDING NOW: Kelly Ripa's son is unrecognizable in photo ahead of long-awaited changePOPULAR NOW: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle divide fans with defiant statement "And yeah, it's annoying, and I stand with queen @jamieleecurtis on this one. But there's something I take real issue with here that isn't being discussed. The no neck photos. Why?? Y'all did us dirty with this. Name one person who looks good without a neck. Name one." View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sosie Bacon (@sosiebacon)Sosie addressed the nepo baby debateFans immediately began chiming in and it wasn't long before things were getting heated: "Why can’t acting and performing be a family business?? I think this 'controversy' is silly. When a plumber’s son or daughter takes over the business, who says a word? And also, talent is hereditary. Sosie Bacon, for example, is every bit as talented as her parents so why shouldn’t she follow in their footsteps if she wants to?"MORE: Jamie Lee Curtis' jaw-dropping transformation at 2023 Golden Globes has fans reactingALSO POPULAR: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck celebrate huge news months after Las Vegas marriageWhile others had a different view and wrote: "Denying that it’s way easier for her to get roles and be successful as an actress BECAUSE of her parents is bs. If nepo babies only acknowledged their privilege and not claim that they had to jump through the same hoops as everybody else, people would be fine with it." Sosie has followed in her parents' footsteps and become an actressMany were on Sosie's side and said she was a brilliant actress who had inherited her parent's skills - and even Kyra weighed in.She added crying with laughter emojis as the rest of Sosie's fanbase continued their debate.Like this story? Sign up to our HELLO! Mail newsletter to receive all the latest royal and celebrity news straight in your inbox.