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Roger Waters lambastes Keir Starmer in pro-Palestine fundraiser concert

  • There is something galling about being told by Roger Waters, halfway through an interminable rant about Palestine, Keir Starmer and how awful politicians are generally, that I look bored. Fair play to Waters, who, famously, once spat in an unappreciative fan’s face, an action that inspired his magnum opus The Wall: he doesn’t mince his words. He was the headline act for a hastily organised show at St Pancras Church that was half awareness-raiser for Palestine and half rally for Andrew Feinstein,


'You pay a price for being Robin Williams'

Discussing Robin Williams, Alexei Sayle says no normal person would put up with the sort of rejection that comedians risk whenever they go on stage. .


Fish People Tapes
Fish People Tapes