

Money Matters

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  • BusinessThe Telegraph

    Net cash: what is it and how do you calculate it?

    A company is said to have “net cash” if it has enough cash on hand to pay off all its debts. The net cash figure is the amount by which its cash balances exceed its total debt. If, on the other hand, its debts exceed its cash resources, the company is said to have net debt equal to the amount by which debts exceed cash.

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  • BusinessThe Telegraph

    How to avoid paying higher-rate tax, even if you earn £110,000

    The new Labour government has confirmed that it will stick to the Conservatives’ plan to freeze income tax thresholds until 2028, which means millions of taxpayers face being dragged into a higher tax bracket in the coming years. However, by following our tips, and doing a bit of extra planning, even those earning £110,000 won’t have to pay higher-rate tax.

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  • BusinessThe Telegraph

    ‘Why is it so hard to spend a £10 note in central London?’

    I have a confession to make. Despite writing regularly about how important cash is for many, I rarely use notes and coins.

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  • BusinessThe Telegraph

    Pensioners face shock tax bills within weeks

    Some 140,000 pensioners will be hit with tax bills in the next six weeks as a stealth raid on retirement incomes bites.

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  • BusinessThe Telegraph

    ‘I’m not in finance for the money, I want to help people’: the City’s next generation

    The sound of the summer is a song with the lyrics “I’m looking for a man in finance”, which has taken over TikTok. It goes on: “Trust fund, 6ft5, blue eyes…”

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  • BusinessThe Guardian

    If things go wrong on holiday: how to claim back or avoid some of the costs

    Get a Ghic card, use the flight compensation scheme, or claim refunds via your credit card provider

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  • BusinessYahoo Finance UK

    Best UK savings accounts offering above inflation rates

    See the best savings accounts to find a top-rated deal that works for you.

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  • LifestyleYahoo Finance UK

    8 champion homes in Olympic host cities

    We’ve picked a selection of properties for sale in Olympic cities past, present and future and every one’s a winner.

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  • BusinessThe Telegraph

    Questor: This airline has already doubled in value and is set to soar further

    Jet2’s market valuation suggests the company is experiencing a hugely challenging operating environment. Shares in the airline and package holiday firm currently trade on a price-to-earnings ratio of just 8.

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  • NewsThe Telegraph

    Scrapping copper coins would ‘devastate’ seaside towns

    The decline of copper coins would “devastate” the local economies of seaside towns, arcade owners have warned.

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