Fantastic Four: First Official Look At Jamie Bell’s The Thing

To date the marketing campaign for ‘Fantastic Four’ has offered plenty of glimpses at three of Marvel premier superhero quartet, but very little of the team’s most recognisable member.

That has all changed now however with the first official glimpse at Jamie Bell’s character The Thing in all his rocky glory, courtesy of Empire Magazine.

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Miles Teller as Reed Richards (aka Mr Fantastic), Kate Mara as Sue Storm (The Invisible Woman) and Michael B Jordan as Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) have already shared much of the limelight, but if young fans are going to flock to cinemas for any reason - it’ll be to see The Thing tear it up. 

Making The Thing look better than he did in the 2005 film was never going to be difficult, but making a humanoid rock monster work on screen is still harder than the final product here suggests.

That said, seeing it in motion will be the true test of what director Josh Trank and his team have accomplished.

In a film comic books fans have been eager to pick apart since it was first announced, this design at the very least should please fans of the series. Of course thinking there’s nothing to complain about here could just prove my own naivety.

Inspired by the Ultimate Marvel universe version of the Fantastic Four’s story, 20th Century Fox’s reboot will tell the story of a younger team of heroes granted abilities after a disastrous scientific expedition to another dimension.

As well as the four aforementioned stars ‘Fantastic Four’ will also star Toby Kebbell as Doctor Doom, Tim Blake Nelson as Harvey Elder and Reg E. Cathey Dr. Franklin Storm.

The film - which will join the same cohesive universe of films as Fox’s ‘X-Men series - is set for release on 6 August.

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Picture Credits: 20th Century Fox / Marvel Comics.